Hello. I'm trying the latest development release of eclipse linuxtools and cdt.
I cannot figure out how to install the libstdc++ documentation.
In the documentation areas I can select devhelp documentation and glibc

I would like to:

1.- have hovers for libstdc++,
and, if possible,

2.- to configure the documentation for libgtkmm (which has devhelp support).

and, as an extra, but I don't mind too much

3.- Generate documentation for my own libraries (which is written in doxygen)

I looked at the
documentation included in the help contents but I cannot figure out how to
do it and I can't find the tools to generate the documentation .libhover file.
Besides that, I don't know if I must edit an xml or something else additionally.

Could you instruct me on how to do it? If there is somewhere else where to
install libstdc++ documentation from, it would be ideal.
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