On Wed, 15 Dec 2021 at 11:21, Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurt...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> As Eclipse Wiki is up for retirement, it's time to stop putting N&N in it. 
> I've put the first item in 
> https://git.eclipse.org/c/linuxtools/org.eclipse.linuxtools.git/tree/RELEASE_NOTES.md
>  .
> Keeping it close to the code and in markdown format would make it really easy 
> to display to users and refer to links in it once we switch to github.

The help bundles generate their content from the wiki too. IIRC the
github wiki supports mediawiki syntax, so should just be able to
copy/paste the eclipse wiki page source directly into the github wiki.
Hopefully the mylyn docs wikitext mediawiki-to-eclipse-help process
can continue to Just Work™

Mat Booth
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