This is an alternative, you may not try it first.
fix your win7 bootloader first (using the installer disk, repair), use
EasyBCD (it is free and intuitive).

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Jeremiah Bess <>wrote:

> Use the Ubuntu disc to reinstall Grub. Should be a rescue option, you can
> Google the specifics. Windows overwrites the Master Boot Record with it's
> own boot software. If you ever have to redo the whole disc again, install
> Windows first, then Ubuntu.
> Jeremiah E. Bess
> Network Ninja, Penguin Geek, Father of four
> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 18:26, manish sharma <>wrote:
>> hiiiii sir,
>> i have install windows 7 ultimate on my i partitioned my 250
>> gb hdd.90gb in win7 & 150 gb in ubuntu8.10.but after booting my pc does not
>> show ubuntu so i install grub but now it is not showing windows please
>> tell me what can i do now
> >

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