--- On Mon, 26/7/10, Navin <navin.karmar...@yahoo.in> wrote:

From: Navin <navin.karmar...@yahoo.in>
Subject: [LinuxVadaPav] facing problem with squid
To: linuxvadapav@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, 26 July, 2010, 7:34 PM



      Dear Linux friends, 

sadiq sir - please provide solution if possible on urgent basis

Please help me on urgent basis, or suggest me 

we are running squid server in our organization, we have one bank site which we 
are not able to login from squid, showing me error as " someone with same 
userid is already loged from this IP ( public ip of our squid server )  " But 
we try it from other server , we co ordinate bank people and took fresh login 
id and pass but still issue is not solved,

we have Microsoft TMG proxy server, and from it we are able to login 

i m having solution that the URL of that bank we are going to redirect to our 
TMG server till we find the Bug on squid.

I m finding the solution for the redirection , please help me , we are facing 
this problem and need to be solved on urgent basais

please feel free to call on my mobile for the same , it is really very urgent 

Thanks in advance

Thanks & Regards,

Navin karmarkar



Sadhiq Wrote -
Please ellobrate your querries, 
1.Did u chk  by  defining  ip other than  url name.
2.any authentication method.  
3.Any firewall between  the request.
4.Is bank site  runnig  under  ssl https://  & redirecting  to  http://

5.Try using dns_nameservers tags in squid pointing to ur  isp ns
6.chk by  using always_direct tag
acl abc dstdomain .<bank.com>always_direct allow abc
7.try removing respective cache by the following
acl PURGE method PURGE
acl localhost src
http_access allow PURGE localhost
http_access deny PURGE
$squidclient -m PURGE http://<banksite>
8.You can also restart with  a  clean cache.
$squid -k shutdown
echo "" > /cache1/swap.state.
if your still stuck, post access & error logs.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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