--- In linuxvadapav@yahoogroups.com, Maheboob Shaikh <m_shaikh1...@...>

> 1) vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf --> this is attached file

I am not sure abt others, but I didnt get the attached file in the mail.
So, I will just bring your attentions to document of Apache for

> I am getting web page successfully but not asking for username &

I hope the Apache documentation will help you resolve your problem.

[Apache Doc: Authentication]

Now, let's assume that you have more than 1 site running on the same
server -- Name based Virtual Hosting. In that case you can have auth for
a particular virtual host as given below.  (Note: this is from my live
'Intranet server')

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin webmasterATdomain1DOTcom
     DocumentRoot /var/www/Logs
     ServerName domain1.com
     ErrorLog logs/domain1.com-error_log
     CustomLog logs/domain1.com-access_log common

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin webmasterATdomain2DOTcom
     DocumentRoot /var/ftp/pub/isoqlog
     ServerName domain2.com
     ErrorLog logs/domain2.com-error_log
     CustomLog logs/domain2.com-access_log common
         <Directory />
         AuthType Basic
         AuthName "Webpage Acess Limited to valid users."
         AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/htsecret/.isoqlog_htpass
         Require valid-user

The above is just an example for your understanding.

~ anup

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