Sorry, lost all emails from the previous thread, so I hope you don't
mind if I start that over, with a new starting point:

The "Pen takes precedence over touch" thing works in 70% of the cases,
I'd say. The other 30% are those where I rest my palm on the screen.

In those cases, which are with 95% probability reproducible by touching
the palm down wrist first so that you bring the pen down by rolling over
the heel of the hand, the mouse pointer will then not follow the pen but
stay at about the point where your wrist/palm touched down.

Now some fancy paths this situation can take, starting from where you
have palm and hand down, and the pen too (hovering or not), and the
cursor is at the palm:

Raising hand, pen still down: Cursor doesnt budge
Raising pen out of prox. and bringing it back: Dito.
Raising hand, keeping pen down, bringing a finger back to operate the
touchpad normally: Dito.
Raising hand and pen, bringing either back: Normal operations resume.

I hope this helps pinning it down.


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