FYI update:  Oneiric does have GNOME 3.2.

Is Mise was nice enough to locate the Wacom Graphics Tablet gui and
provide a screenshot.

Really nice to see it but it is early days still.  The layout is as follows:

Wacom Tablet
  Tracking mode: Tablet (absolute)

  Eraser Pressure Feel:  Soft...Firm
  Top Button:  Right Mouse Button Click
  Bottom Button:  Middle Mouse Button Click
  Stylus Pressure Feel:  Soft...Firm

The option drop down boxes or sliders are the values after the colon.
So the options don't cover all of the current hooks.

Unfortunately the relative Mode option is maybe mislabeled as
"Touchpad (relative)".  Not quite sure I understand how that is
intended to be applied.  Anyway selecting that option does make the
stylus relative.  After he pointed out that either way it wasn't very
clear I suggested the options under Wacom Tablet > Tracking mode
probably should be labeled "Stylus (absolute)" & "Stylus (relative)".
He agreed that would be better but it would be even better if the
absolute/relative options were under the Stylus header.  I'm forced to
agree.  There's no real reason folks need to be aware that the stylus
is the parent device and equivalent to the tablet in this context.


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