On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:49:40AM +0200, Michal Suchanek wrote:
> On 29 September 2011 07:52, Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> wrote:
> > This is a heads-up, a brain storming and ideas collection all at the
> > same time.
> >
> > xsetwacom is the previously small utility to tweak random driver functions.
> > This is what this tool should remain as. I'm happy to add any new driver
> > feature but I don't want semantic patches to filter into xsetwacom. It is
> > not designed for it and it would screw up the usability by a lot.
> What does xsetwacom do that xinput does not?

some parts are overlapping (MapToOutput and button mapping) but most
functions that xsetwacom supports are driver-specific and to some extent
even driver-version specific. That's why xsetwacom is part of the driver

> Should not xinput be fixed to to manage all devices including wacom tablets?

No, xinput is device-independent and supposed to be generic. Some functions
that are not specific to the wacom driver have been moved to xinput. There's
a use fo xsetwacom as a simpler interface. e.g. xsetwacom set <device>
TabletDebugLevel 3 is a lot simpler than xinput set-prop "device name"
"propery name" 3 1 (you also have to know each property in full)

> > Borderline cases that we already have are MapToOutput which technically
> > doesn't affect a driver setting. One step down the slippery slope is
> > MapToOutput next which starts cycling through outputs.
> I am sure this is useful for non-wacom devices too.

map-to-crtc has been merged into xinput already, but I won't merge the
"next" option there.

> > Much further down the line is the magic LED changes that we talked about in
> > the other thread - changing the LED at the same time as all button
> > assignments.
> I don't have a tablet with leds so I would not know how that works but
> this looks like something very device specific that *does* belong to a
> driver. Only the driver knows which led corresponds to which button.

That's the thing, the LEDs do not correspond to a button. In the Win/OS X
driver they represent button configurations (so you can switch between) but
from a driver's POV they're just LEDs without semantic meaning..

> > This isn't to say that such a tool cannot exist but it won't be xsetwacom
> > and it won't be in the xf86-input-wacom repository. This is a driver.
> >
> > Jason and I talked about the need for a client-side library at XDC and the
> > possible need for another cli tool to change wacom driver settings. I
> > certainly agree with the client-side library, we need the ability for
> > clients to query e.g. model numbers and features. As for the commandline
> > tool - I think the correct integration will be in the desktops, not bolted
> > onto various commandline tools. But I'm certainly not going to stop anyone
> > from implementing it.
> So will I need to, say, install gnome-control-center to figure out the
> tool number of my wacom tools in KDE or XFCE?

no, you get KDE or XFCE to update their configuration utilities to cater for
wacom tablets as well. Each desktop has different requirements and thus
requires different configuration tools.

> Does not sound like the way to go.
> The tools required to set up and test the tablet should be 
> desktop-independent.

I disagree. Unless you're happy to install yet another daemon that monitors
the device list and applies settings at runtime this won't happen. GNOME and
KDE have different visions on which options to expose to the client as well
so I don't think you can have a desktop-independent tool.


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