Usually e-galax touch screens use an e-galax driver or evdev.  Newer
versions of evdev tend to work better.

On the EP121 threads on Ubuntu forums they are using either although
at least some apparently have hacked the evdev code to force it into
touch screen mode.  Perhaps the best thing would be to get the driver
from e-galax as post #62 page 7 on this thread suggests (also has
forcing hack early on) since you are on kernel 3.0+:
You have to ask the EETI-Support (touch_fae at for a special
driver (Asus EP121; ubuntu 11.10 64bit). They will send you a archive
called "eGTouch_v1.00.0812.L-x64.tar.gz" (Note: the driver provided on
the driver page of EETI is not working properly ).

You just have to run the as sudo and add to the
"52-egalax-virtual.conf" file the option InvertY, that it looks like

Quote deadland:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "eGalax virtual class"
MatchProduct "eGalaxTouch Virtual Device"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "evdev"
Option "InvertY" "true"
And finally reboot you system.

1.) I asked the EETI Support if I could share their drive in the
ubuntu forum, they said "NO" it is a project (I do not understand what
this means, but anyway, please do not upload the driver)
2.) Multi-touch does not work, they told me "If you want to have
multi-touch function, the user-space (application) must be able to
receive our multi report data from our controller." Well, I also do
not understand what this means ...

What does not work:
1.) As i mentioned already, Multitouch does not work
2.) Microphone
3.) Specialkeys "show on-screen keyboard" etc.
4.) Accelerometer
End Quote

Another thread:


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