Q: Would you like to comment on the fact that both Lisa and the Xerox 
product [inaudible] ?

LARRY TESLER: Yeah. Like the Xerox Star? And the Lisa -- the idea was, in
both groups, was that people would only use a few applications. It's kind of
true, most people only do use a few applications. But the conclusion that,
therefore, it wasn't necessary to have third party applications was kind of
ridiculous. Actually in the Lisa, it turned out we did have a place for
third party applications. We thought for certain vertical markets, there
would be third party applications and we'd have accounting software and so
on. But even then, we were thinking very small scale, like there would be
one page layout application, and there would be one accounting application,
and a couple of vertical market things. If we ever had 20 applications, or
30, that would have been a very large number. Very different from the Mac,
which from the very beginning was going to try to do the same thing as the
Apple II, and what the IBM PC did, which was go for lots of third party
applications. I think one reason the Lisa was designed as it was, was to try
to justify why there was this project going on in the company, when we
already had an Apple II and an Apple III. Why did we need this other thing?
Well, the Apple II and Apple III were going to have all this third party
software, but the Lisa won't. It was kind of a differentiator. It was a kind
of a closed system that was supposedly a plus. It turned out to be a major
minus, of course.

CHRIS ESPINOSA: Well it was -- that was not necessarily unique to Apple at
that point. Remember one of the leading software companies of 1979 -1980 was
Personal Software, which became Visicorp. And their flagship product line at
that point was a failed product line called VisiOn, which was an attempt to
expand VisiCalc into a comprehensive suite of interacting applications -- a
word processor, a data base. Wordstar at that point was also trying to
expand. Everybody was trying to do what Microsoft has successfully done with
Microsoft Office, which is turn the thin end of the wedge of getting one
successful application, which Microsoft had with Excel on the Macintosh, and
turn that into a major suite that delivers all of the application computing
needs of the given set of users. Microsoft has done it successfully, and one
could argue that the default computing platform right now is Windows with
Microsoft Office, and not very much else. So I don't think that that
necessarily was a bad idea. It may have been many years ahead of its time.
But Microsoft was selling the Microsoft Office for Macintosh in 1985. I
still have a box on my shelf where they supplied the word processor, the
spreadsheet, the filing program and the terminal program in one box, for one
price, for the Macintosh. So, office suites certainly were not a dumb idea
of 1981; it's something that has really monopolized the industry.

LARRY TESLER: Yeah, I think that part's true. The Lisa was really one of the
first suites, in addition to the ones that Personal Software did. It was the
first, probably, multitasking personal computer. But basically ahead of its
time and missing the main point, which was, you needed a low cost platform
that had reasonable performance and that had lots of third party

Q: You were testing totally naive users without any instructions, by and
large. And yet, in the intervening years, acculturation has taken place, and
I wonder if that really helps us [inaudible].

CHRIS ESPINOSA: The point is that we were testing in the early years for
totally naive users, and that over the years acculturation has taken place,
as I talked about. More people approach computers with less fear, with more
pre-knowledge of what they're doing. Is that your general point?

Q: Yes, and that pre-knowledge came from a process of about [inaudible].

CHRIS ESPINOSA: And the process came from a decade or more of
experimentation. Well, I'll tell you about an interesting user experiment
that I did. In 1982, I took a[n] early prototype of the Macintosh, and it
was then in a Plexiglas case, just cut panels of Plexiglas, filed and glued
square -- we didn't have any of the injection molded cases yet -- with the
guts inside. It was running an early version of Mac Paint, which was called
Mac Sketch at that point. And it was a turnkey application: you put the disk
in and you booted it up and it went straight to that application, because
there was no Finder at that point. Which was actually the paradigm of most
other machines, which was turnkey boot: you put the floppy in and you booted
it and you got into that one application. And I took it over to my
girlfriend's parents' house for Thanksgiving, where she had a three year old
nephew. A three year old nephew, and this was in 1981. Video games weren't
even that -- hadn't even gotten down to three year olds by 1981. That boy
spent four hours drawing with Mac Sketch. He learned it in no more than 15
or 20 seconds, just, you press the button and draw things on the screen. And
he was drawing things with an early version of Mac Paint, with virtually no
tutoring and almost no language at all. With no acculturation at all. So,
there were some things that we got basically right, about "human" human
factors. If you can appeal to a three year old, and get a three year old
with no language skills to understand how to do something productive in no
time at all, that's not a cultural statement. You've done something right in
design. And that's when I knew we were really on to something.

Q: ... the acculturation has no affect?

CHRIS ESPINOSA: I don't think it's had no affect. I think what acculturation
has done is, it's made us soft. We don't address complexity any more the way
we -- we sweated over complexity, in 1981. We were deathly afraid of
complexity. We take it for granted now. You look at Frye's. It's scary, the
kind of things we get away with.

LARRY TESLER: I think it has made some things hard to change. When Microsoft
announced they were going to go to single clicks instead of double clicks on
the desktop, some journalist said, "See, they're leaving Apple in the dust.
You're still on two clicks, and they're moving to one." I said, "Our users
have been doing this for 12 years. There's no way they're going to change.
We're never going to change it. Maybe the Microsoft users, who have only
been doing this for a couple of years can change." But as it turned out,
even a couple of years using Windows 95 was too much, and Microsoft had to
back off on making users use single clicks, in Windows 97, because even two
years was too much. People won't change.

We're out of time now, but there are some people here who were involved in
Lisa user interface work, all the way from the Apple II, the Lisa, and the
Mac. I thought maybe they could stand up. Annette Wagner specially, who
worked on the original Lisa look, and graphics and fonts and everything. And
Joy, and Bob -- why don't you all stand up, all you Apple interface people.
I think some of the users out here might appreciate you. Bob Glass, still
here? [Applause]

LEN SHUSTEK: Thank you both for a great talk. I hope you'll join us over in
the warehouse, just down the street to the right, and Larry and Chris, will
you both be there to answer questions? Great. Thank you for coming. See you
next time. [Applause]


Transcribed by John Amos, a volunteer for The Computer Museum History Center
San Antonio, Texas February, 1999


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