> Hi Dino
> Thanks for your review. I am attaching -07 + diff (not published yet)
> where I have addressed all your comments, please let me know if you
> agree and we´ll proceed to publish it.

I just looked at the changes, they all look good. A couple of nits:

Add period at end of this sentence.

Typo in blue.

>>>   Map-Resolver:  A network infrastructure component that interfaces
>>>      ITRs with the Mapping System by proxying queries and -in some
>>>      cases- responses.
>> I would say "receive queries and sends negative replies".
> This is already explained in "Map-Reply", at this point Map-Reply has
> not been introduced yet. I think that this way is clearer.

Okay, fine.

>> But why don't you order the messages first and then refer to them when you 
>> define the Map-Server and Map-Resolver afterwards?
> There is a circular dependency, then I won't be able to use the terms
> Map-Server/Map-Resolver when explaining what Map-Request/Map-Reply,
> etc are.

Right, understand.

> [snip]
>>>   Map-Request:  This message is used by ITRs or Map-Resolvers to
>>>      resolve the mapping of a given EID.
>> This message is also used by ETRs to request an ITR to do a Mapping System 
>> request. This message is also used by ITRs to probe the underlying path to 
>> an ETR.
> This is early in the document and I think that it is preferable to
> keep things simple. The fact that SMR/RLOC probing functionalities use
> a Map-Request type of message is not important when considering LISP's
> big picture. SMR/RLOC probing are explained in section 4 with the
> relevant context.

Okay, agree.

> Albert
> <draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-07.txt><draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-07-from-6.diff.html>

I vote for you to publish. Thanks.


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