It seemed to us that there was likely some confusiona bout how we expect to handle the revision of RCC 6830. The following is what we currently expect.

Once we have a new charter approved, the chairs will appoint an editor for the revision of rfc6830. That may be one of the existing authors, or a new person. We will ask for volunteers.

Once we have an author, they will submit a starting ID called draft-ietf-lisp-rfc6830bis-00 which will be identical in content to the existing RFC. That may require assistance from the RFC Editor to ensure that we get all the changes they made during final edit.

At that point, we will use the trouble ticket system to record issues that people bring up. We will also discuss on the list what changes we wish to make according to the charter. Things will tehn proceed in the usual fashion, using the trouble ticket system to help make sure we do not drop any of the issues.

Joel & Luigi

lisp mailing list

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