HI All,

the  call for adoption for this document is now over.
From the replies received we can conclude that 
there is consensus in adopting the document as WG document.
The authors are invited to submit a new version of the document with name 
Such document should include all comments received so far.

Thanks you all  


> On 16 Nov 2016, at 03:57, Luigi Iannone <g...@gigix.net> wrote:
> Folks,
> The chairs received a request for the following document to be
> adopted as a WG item:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-farinacci-lisp-rfc6830bis/ 
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-farinacci-lisp-rfc6830bis/>
> Here starts a 14 day call for adoption, this call will end on
> Wednesday the 30 November, 2016.
> Please email the WG list stating whether or not you support acceptance.
> If you email to support the acceptance of this document as a WG item, please
> also indicate if you are able and willing to either contribute to, or review, 
> (or both) the draft.
> Sitting in silence does not indicate support, please respond appropriately.
> The Chairs
> Joel & Luigi

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