<just to be clear, still hatless, jsut trying to understand as a

It looks to me like Policy_Denied and Authentication-Failure are error codes, not dispositions. They presumably go with the "Drop" action (as is the defined behavior for any ACT which is not understood.

Given that the action is the same as Drop, it seems safe, but odd, to use different action codes. Is there a difference in the action at the receiver?

If there is no difference, would it not make sense to encode this information in some other field? It seems to be for diagnositirc purposes, not action.


On 3/12/17 9:45 PM, Dino Farinacci wrote:
Dino, I am missing something. If, as we both seem to be saying, the
"policy-denied" response can go with any of the existing actions,
how is the receiver to know which is intended by the responder?

I don’t think it does. Let’s look at each existing action:

(0) No-Action

This action code comes with a RLOC-set and tells an ITR to
encapsulate to RLOCs in the RLOC-set. This is certainly not denying

(1) Natively-Forward

This is an action code that tells the ITR that the EID it requested
is not in the mapping system and could be a non-EID and the address
is routable in the underlay. This is certainly not denying anything.

(2) Send-Map-Request

This action code could be returned when overlapping EID-prefixes are
registered to the mapping system. This is an instruction from the
Map-Replier (either from an ETR or a map-server) that a longest match
lookup that matches this entry should invoke a Map-Request.

(3) Drop

This action code is telling the ITR to drop packets, but has no
specific reason for doing so.

The two new action codes I am proposing (and if others think there
could be more, please suggest them):

(4) Policy-Denied

An access-list violation is denied and the requestor must not get the
RLOC-set due to the policy configured in the ETR or Map-Server.

(5) Authentication-Failure

Whatever authentication mechanism that is being used, the verifier
has decided the Map-Requester cannot get access to the registered

I believe, based on how I describe it above, they are all discrete.


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