>       • (Dino): Elaborate on the update mechanisms/message types  ( legacy 
> LISP or pub-sub preferred??).
> (Authors): A shorter TTL would be a simple measure to allow update in non 
> pub-sub (Standard/Legacy LISP) mode. With pub-sub, N-bit would be set in a 
> Map-Request, then Map-Notify messages would be sent to subscribed ITRs as per 
> the PubSub specification. With pub-sub, later option could be preferred as it 
> would be faster.

I don't believe we should have a non PubSub option. Its what we have now to 
update xTRs map-caches. Its slow and we can do better. Since we have PubSub in 
a mature state, we should have this design depend on it fully.

>       • (Padma): Elaborate of how pETR map-reply would be installed/used at 
> ITR (so that no forwarding inefficiencies to send every packet to pxTR)
> (Authors): ITR would encapsulate the packets to the pETRs for only non-EIDs 
> destinations (for both “EIDs not registered with the Mapping System, or 
> simply are not known" as mentioned in the draft) since more specific entries 
> would already be present for known overlay subnets/EID-block-range at ITR to 
> generate map-request. 

EIDs not registered are not non-EIDs. Destinations that are unknown are 
non-EIDs. Your parantetical comment is misleading. What we agreed on was this:

(1) Define an EID-block. Destinations that match this block are map-requested.
(2) Destinations not in an EID-block are non-EIDs and are encapsulated to the 

How do you implement this, really simple:

(1) You have a default map-cache entry with RLOCs of the pETRs. Once you 
determine their RLOCs, the ITR installs the default map-cache entry. So non-EID 
destinations will match this entry.

(2) You put the EID-block as an EID-prefix, at configuraiton time, static in 
the map-cache, that when matched, sends a map-request. So EID destinatinos will 
match this entry.


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