Hi Al, 

Thank you for the review. This will be ACKed in the next iteration. 


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Al Morton via Datatracker <nore...@ietf.org>
> Envoyé : dimanche 22 janvier 2023 16:02
> À : ops-...@ietf.org
> Cc : draft-ietf-lisp-pubsub....@ietf.org; last-c...@ietf.org;
> lisp@ietf.org
> Objet : Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-lisp-pubsub-10
> Reviewer: Al Morton
> Review result: Ready
> This is the OPS-DIR review of draft-ietf-lisp-pubsub, version 10.
> The memo describes an extension to the request/reply based
> Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) control plane. "... a
> Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) extension in which the Mapping System
> can notify ITRs/RTRs/PITRs about mapping changes." This extension
> allows faster mapping changes that can be managed within the
> Mapping system itself.
> Conditions for deployment and the extension itself are clearly
> described. The memo contains a section on current deployment
> experiences: these are all positive, especially in cases where
> performance is improved in scenarios involving mobility. It seems
> likely that operational issues, if any, would have been revealed
> in the deployments (which are on-going for some time).
> I noted that the LISP RFC has been updated very recently:
> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9301.html; this indicates
> appreciable operational experience with the protocol and continued
> use/interest.
> Nits:
> ...PubSub offers faster converge due to...
> suggest  s/converge/convergence/
> regards,
> Al


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