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>see.. this is VERY cool to know :-)
>do you think we could maybe set a vhost for
>help-cvs.epicsol.org or something and put it on the webpage?
>"for current bleeding-edge helpfiles, go [here]" or something..
>cuz people are always asking _me_ where to get help, and i usually
>say "help.epicsol.org" which is not as current as it should be and
>doesn't reflect the numerous changes made in cvs on a seemingly=20
>daily basis :-)

Well, it's beta/development right now, and I'm pushing paladin (kitambi)
to finish it at which point I'm going to push keerf to make it the official
help gateway.  I've got agreement-in-principle from both of them that this
will become http://epicsol.org/help (aka http://help.epicsol.org) as soon
as paladin says it's finished.

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