This is a change that is proposed for epic5.  Nothing will change for
epic4 based on this discussion.

Historically, if you have an alias with the same name as a builtin
command, then:
        /foo            runs your alias
        //foo           runs the built in command
If you have an alias with the same name as a built in function then:
        $foo()          runs the built in function
There is no way to run your alias.  This means that your alias is 
"hidden" by the built in function.

In EPIC5, if you have an alias with the same name as a built in function then:
        $:foo()         runs your alias
        $::foo()        runs the built in function.

The question then is what shall $foo() do?  Shall it run your alias, or
shall it run the built in function?  Presently, at this moment in time, 
for backwards compatability, it runs the built in function.  However, it
would seem more sensible to make it behave like commands do, and have
it run your alias.

HOWEVER, this breaks backwards compatability because some people have 
created aliases, by the same name as built in functions, with the
expectation that their alias will never be called as a function!  This
will break scripts, but perhaps this is a good change.

According to epic policy, no change like this can take place, no matter
how good it is, without a vetting by the mailing list.  So please make 
your opinion known!

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