yan sorry gitarnya laku man dibelim orang surabaya,
tapi gue ada barang:
1. Ibanez RX series made in Japan years 1994
kondisi cat udah luntur tapi ada lapis film antique, pickup HSH Bridge EMG HZ
tengah Mighty mize Neck Dimarzio Paf Pro, all part orsinil.
2. Gitar Cort type G 250 kondisi mulus banget HSS
tambahan Pick up di Neck Dimarzio Fast Track 2, tremolo Wilkinson,
Dryer Sperzel USA (1.600.000).
3. Behriger Simulation AMp Pro barang baru gue
lepas gila gilaan dus, buku manual lengkap Rp.1.250.000
4. Korg Pandora P2 manual hilang, alat berjalan
normal kondisi 90% gue lepas Rp. 750.000,-
berminat hub
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 3:31
Subject: Balasan: [GITARIS.COM] JUAL
hi vidi
gue minat gtr elo...
bisa minta no telp / hp ?
liat brg dimana
ditunggu kbrnya, asap
thx man - yan ( kalo elo bisa, lsg sms aja ke 0818 - 210572
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