Richard Sexton writes:
>The IFWP list has been moved.
>I have two questions I'd like to see the group address
>and come to consensus on:
>a) should this list adopt the ORSC civil discourse rules?

+ Not as long as one of the "moderators" is Richard J. Sexton,
+ as is the case at ORSC. The only two arrogant, condescending
+ personal attacks I have received on this list came from him.
+ I'm afraid that I'd be "moderated" right out the door.

 Richard is quick to try and cut anyone
 off who disagrees with his views. He
 has acted presumptuously not only towards
 you but also to me and others. He has
 advocated censorship on numerous occaisions.
 Also adopting the ORSC's rules tends to
 blur the lines between the two. ORSC is
 just a sub-set of a larger group. This
 effort by Richard to merge IFWP and ORSC
 is sort of a coup within a coup. I do
 not want to see this happen and I am not
 a member of ORSC nor ever want to be.

>b) should we stick one of Ellens grey ribbons on the
>mailing list website ?

+ No. The purpose is well taken, but the link leads one think that
+ the point is to sell books.

 I agree about the grey ribbon site location.
 It's a sales site. Associating a protest with
 a product is not only unwise but self-defeating.
 "Support the revolution - buy this book" don't
 go together. And the focus of the protest is
 so fuzzy it is laughable. ICANN itself must go
 not just it's silly secrecy. Fuck they grey
 ribbon. Fuck ICANN.

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

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