Bill and all,

  Great points her Bill.  We agree that is would be extremely helpful
to propose a charter.  INEGroup is already operating under it's own
loose charter.  (More comments below yours)

Bill Lovell wrote:

> A bit more complication:
> (a) I don't believe everyone wants to be involved in a meeting at which the
> ICANN Board decides which vendors to use, where the parking places
> should be, etc. (These examples are of course highly exaggerated.) The
> poll might qualify its meaning of ICANN BOARD MEETINGS to mean
> those, I assume, of a fundamental policy nature.

  I believe that the generally thrust is towards the opening up of
Board meeting is mainly dealing with fundamental policy issues, yes.
It is however potentially necessary to make ALL ICANN BOard meeting
open and minuets taken due to the general mischievous and secretive
manner in which the ICANN INterim Board has been behaving from
it's inception and due to the nature of its leaders (Mike Roberts and
Esther Dyson in particular), as Esther specifically has been very
public about NOT wanting these board meetings public.

> (b) Should this group establish a CHARTER so that all of us are working
> off the same page?

  I am a bit confused here Bill as to what group to which you are referring to
and as to whether a CHARTER for conducting polls or is this CHARTER
for another purpose?  Please advise.

> I've just browsed a few of the web pages kindly provided by Jeff Williams
> and while much is said about the functional mechanics, I see very little
> in any of them along the line of "in order that . . . ."  What?

  Agreed, but there are some that I did not list as well.  They were mainly
just for the purposes of examples.

> I suspect that (a) everyone involved here has an answer, but (b) the
> content of those answers would vary all over the map. Again, I'm suggesting
> that ALL of the authentication, registration, who does what, etc., etc.,
> would be more easily answered if the specific purpose to be served by
> the answer to each question were agreed upon in advance, and the only
> way I know how to do that is to have a Charter that would include the
> usual "Enhance the functioning and operation of the international Internet
> community," blah, blah, but there are principles of equal protection,
> comity, transnational legal differences, etc., that should be recognized
> and spelled out as problems that the group would address. Whether or
> not ICANN is aware of it or not, the fact remains that all such issues are
> part of the pot being stirred here -- issues that will bear on all of the more
> specific topics currently under discussion.

  Agreed completely.

> So I suggest that if you know
> WHY you want to do something, that goes a long way towards showing
> you HOW  to do it.  Whether anyone agrees with that is worth knowing,
> I suspect, and for that reason I suggest sticking it into the poll. (I concur
> with the addition proposed below.)

  Agreed here as well.  However I do not agree with the format below
without a statement as to how things are done or perceived to be
considered to be done as a precursor to any poll questions if that
information is available or generally considered.

> Bill Lovell
> >Ellen Rony wrote:
> >
> >> Michael Sondow wrote:
> >>
> >> >ICANN BOARD MEETINGS SHOULD BE:      [  ] OPEN          [  ] CLOSED
> >> >
> >>
> >> *Much* better!  Thanks.
> >>
> >> Let's add:
> >>
> >>                                 [  ] OTHER MODEL
> >>
> >>   or whatever words accurately describe the current options under
> discussion.
> >>
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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