Bill Lovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>At 09:45 AM 2/2/99 -0400, Kerry Miller wrote:

>>In short, this  DNS mess is entirely backwards from the way lots of 
>>people are accustomed to working together. It wont get turned around in 
>>one fell swoop, but how are we going to turn it around at all if we cant 
>>sort out  these two fundamental perspectives? 

>In other words, set out the basic principles in something like a 
>Constitution or Manifesto or Statement of Principles, etc.

Sounds reasonable.  Stef suggested likewise, in a call for shared

I'd like to offer as a topic for discussion what people's feelings are
regarding whether or not the DNS should be fundamentally altered or
restructured.  My opinion is that no, it should not, because

* almost everyone on the Internet relies upon it
* from an operational perspective, it works predictably well, even
  though it's not perfect
* substantial changes will require vast amounts of time to implement
  and retrain users

In addition, I'd like to offer that in cases where parties can use the
existing technology to work around disputes, they should be encouraged
to do so, but not required to do so.


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