>From your message Thu, 11 Feb 1999 14:47:20 +0000:
}Stef and all,

}  BTW Stef, what ever happened to what we had discussed regarding the NIST
}protest filing?  You seemed to have gone back to sitting on the fence again as
}Roeland had suggested back on Jan. 22nd.  Care to elaborate?

ORSC protested.  I beleive a copy of the protest was sent to the ORSC
list if not others.  I assumed that everyone saw it at the time.

At least two other parties also protested.

Neither the GAO or NIST or NTIA have given any direect signal of
resultant action, but I understand from 3rd parties that the GAO has
taken control of that contracting action, and that the GAO will
control whatever happens next.

We achieved our goal of calling it to the attention of the GAO in
order to assure that if a sole source contract is negotiated, that it
will be with direct involvement of the GAO, and will be done by the

Beyond that, we will just have to wait and see.


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