Stef and all,

Einar Stefferud wrote:

> Hello Romerto -- Thsi is one place where we have a wide disagreement.
> Most of us in ORSC see the DNSO as being a major force in managing the
> cooperative coordination of the DNS ROOT and its TLD registries.

  We here at the INEGroup feel essentially the same way here.

> We do not see ceding everything to ICAAN, and standing around just
> giving advice in the hopes hat it might be listened to.

  Good point.  The DNSO, ASO, PSO and even the ICANN belongs to
the Internet Stakeholders/user, not some small group of self appointed
or otherwise appointed BoD.  Any of these SO's must be a "Bottom-Up"
structure, and therefore determined by the Stakeholders/Users.  Any of the
administrative functions, committee members, BoD memebers must
serve at the direction of the Membership.

> Instread, we see ICANN as an oversight entity that wathes to see that
> the SOs operate according to properly open and fair ways to get the
> coordination mangement job done.

  Exactly.  As well as a facilitator for the membership organizations.

> We do not intend to become mere advisors.  Thsi will need to be
> nergotriated with ICANN, if ICANN ever gets the authority is wants to
> negotiate anything.

  Well we are not really sure that the ICANN is ready to take on this task
in it's present form.

> And, as long as ICANN plays its cagey game of hide and seek, with
> secret side meetings with insider track SO formation efforts, Then
> ICANN is a major part of the problem, and no part of the solution.

  Agreed.  This kind of activity must cease from the existing ICANN
"Initial" and Interim Board post haste!

> In short, we are not here that you state so clearly!
> Cheers...\Stef
> >From your message Wed, 6 Jan 1999 20:40:43 +0100 :
> }
> }Tony,
> }
> }You wrote:
> }> Joop,
> }>
> }> >>> 4) Provide Domain Name Registrants with an undistorted free market for
> }> >>> Domain Name registration.
> }>
> }> The purpose of ICANN is to facilitate coordination of
> }> the arrangements for common name and number reference
> }> values.  It is a technical-operational objective.
> }>
> }Indeed.
> }But the purpose of the DNSO is to advise ICANN on policies, and this is not
> }a merely technical-operational objective.
> }
> }Regards
> }Roberto
> }


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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