The following article was just posted on Wired at

ICANN Fracas Moves to Singapore by Chris Oakes

It has a couple in errors.
We know that Michael Roberts is Interim President and CEO, not Interim
Chair of ICANN. Also, I consider myself an advocate for public process, not
an activist. My goal with my heavily linked website is to enable
individuals to have better *informed* participation in the DNS discussions.

Apparently Mr. Roberts doesn't read my posts or he would know that I am
very clear on the fact that ICANN is *not* a monolithic structure for
Internet governance.  I always describe ICANN in its specifically
designated role regarding the administration of Internet names and IP

That said, ICANN will have enormous impact on the evolution of the domain
name system.  ICANN is choosing a membership structure, selecting Protocol,
Addressing and Domain Names Supporting Organizations, establishing
controversial accreditation requirements for registrars, and hinting at new
schemes to fund these activities.  Thus, it is *completely appropriate* for
us to ask that its deliberations and votes be made in public meetings.

>From the article:
                   ICANN's Roberts insists that his group does not constitute a
                   government, so can't be held to the scrutiny of a
                   government body.

                   "Not only aren't we a governance organization, but the
                   white paper specifically says we're not a governance
                   organization." ICANN's critics make their mistake by
                   overlooking this fact, Roberts said. "When you set up false
                   premises then it's pretty easy to beat up on the directors."

He apparently feels that only governments need be publicly accountable to
the constituents whose assets they administer.  I wonder what he thinks the
underlying White Paper principles of openness and transparency mean.

Ellen Rony                                                          Co-author
The Domain Name Handbook              
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