I, Bob Allisat, wrote:
> What you write is sad but probably true. My hard analysis of these
> individuals leads me to conclude they are all now jockeying for
> position within ICANN rather than offering citizens any real
> alternatives or pursuing same.

Greg Skinner comments:
= Perhaps they feel the alternatives are less pleasant or desirable
= than being part of ICANN.

 Perhaps. However the pursuit of pleasantries or
 desireables and the advancement of the elusive
 "General Good" are rarely synonymous. Especially
 when confronted with truely profound challenges.
 In my opinion the loyal opposition is largely
 of the armchair variety. Content to snipe and
 complain but unwilling to act, move or engage
 in true reform. Basically they are playing for
 advantage at the expense of the whole.

 Such is life on occaision. The only response
 ultimately is to turn one's back on that which
 one regards as counter-evolutionary and work on 
 real alternatives and potential solutions. As in
 route around, create new pathways, found bold
 and unusual opportunities for fellow citizens.

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://fcn.net _ http://fcn.net/allisat

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