I have a different avenue of concern than usually gets brought up
on the IFWP or other lists.

What I am realizing is that with all the talk about the Internet
as on the IFWP list, there is actually very little understanding
or concern for the Internet.

The only way that it was possible to build the Internet, was that
there were computer pioneers who were both supported to do 
basic research (though DARPA mainly, but also Bell Labs had a role).

And that these computer pioneers respected the technology of the 
computer and of packet switching networking and were able to 
therefore figure out how to make it all work.

At the base of their philosophy were notions of open interfaces,
i.e. of the fact that the user had to be able to design his or
her side of the interface with the computer and thus make it
something that would be of use.

Also as a recent draft paper I am working on about the Internet
and Communictions, at the base of the Internet work was a 
recognition that the networks that would be connected via 
internetworking were autonomous and that autonomy had to be 
respected and supported.

That is, as far as I understand thus far, some of the need for
cooperative processes that have been needed to build and nourish the

Those seeking to make money off of the Internet and to commercialize
it, are in general concerned about making their money, *not* about
the Internet or its users. 

Despite this, it is important that there be those who care
about the Internet who find a way to study and support the
development and scaling of the Internet.

There really needs to be a research institute devoted to this,
but I have found that the attack by commercial forces is so
great it is even hard to get papers accepted at conferences
(like for example the Internet Society conferences) nevermind
get any support for the kind of research that recognizes the 
importance of the Internet and the need to study and research
what its needs are and what it makes possible.

Thus the Internet is treated very different from the computer
it seems, especially now. It is used and abused, but not 
cared for or recognized by the powers that be.

However, hopefully this will all change once folks realize that
the Internet is an important human-computer-computer_communication
symbiosis and as such it needs care and support and understanding,
rather than power plays and strip mining.


             Netizens: On the History and Impact
               of Usenet and the Internet
            in print edition ISBN 0-8186-7706-6 

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