Milton Mueller wrote:

>> Given the number
>> of business/tm and registry related constituencies, the game is pretty
>> well stacked against the little-guy domain holder.)

Let's not characterize the non-commercial world using the Internet as the
"little guy domain holder".  A substantial use of the Internet is for non
commercial speech and information exchange.

The CENTR document names these initial constituencies:
1.The gTLD Registries
2.The ccTLD Registries
3.Commercial and Business Interests
4.Trade Mark and Intellectual Property Interests
5.ISP and Communication Provider Interests

Apparently CENTR does not feel that the following types of Internet users
should have an interest in domain names issues:
a) Academic institutions and information providers
b) Public organizations
c) Individual domain name holders
d) Non-profit organizations
e) Libraries and museums
f) Art institutions
d) Medical facilities
                and more....

Ellen Rony                                                          Co-author
The Domain Name Handbook              
============================     //          ================================
ISBN 0879305150                *="  ____ /                  +1 (415) 435-5010
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             \     )                         Tiburon, CA
               On the Internet,    //  \\   no one knows you're a dog.

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