Kerry Miller wrote:
> (....)
> When one sees, finally, that mapping a multivariate function such
> as trademarks to a univariate function such as domain names is
> not equitable to anybody, isnt the next step to see how to get one
> function out of the way of the other? ICANN has the potential to
> formulate policy that will lead to DNs becoming as invisible to net
> commerce as ones computer's BIOS is in its everyday operation.
> (Yes I remember Altair...) Why, then, does it seem to accept the
> prejudicial assumption that domain names cannot be dissociated
> from trademarks? Internet commerce (and international harmony)
> will develop a lot easier when this absurdity is disposed of.
> (....)
> Cheers,
> kerry
How would this be accomplished, Kerry? What is your policy recommendation?
>From my perspective, ICANN hasn't accepted anything on this point yet; it is
still receiving data. The WIPO proposal is one policy iniative. Are you
suggesting an engineering solution?
Diane Cabell