Jay and all,

  Mercy, this Wahsington meeting(s)? thing is getting a bit carried
away isn't it.  Can't the DNSO.ORG organize anything in an open
and transparent manner, or at least make their F2F meetings
open and transparent?  If not, why not, should be the question
their leadership are asking themselves.  And the Stakeholder
community is NOW asking them.  So, what is it guys?

Jay Fenello wrote:

> At 1/8/99, 11:42 PM, Michael Sondow wrote:
> >It has come to my attention that there may be an invitation-only (closed)
> >meeting in Washington prior to the meeting on January 22nd. It has also come
> >to my attention that among the "invitees" is a representative of the ORSC,
> >namely Jay Fenello. Since the procedure with these rumors seems to be to ask
> >for confirmation or denial, I'm submitting this to the lists.
> >
> >What about it, Jay?
> Hi Michael,
> Nobody seems to know exactly what's going on.
> Open-RSC has had *no* involvement in the
> planning of this event, so the information
> below is a summary of second and third hand
> information.
> As near as I can tell, there will be a closed
> meeting on the 21st, and an open meeting on
> the 22nd.
> To attend the closed meeting, you must receive
> an invitation from one of the nine "contributing
> organizations."  They each get three.  Open-RSC
> is *not* considered a "contributing organization".
> I have been invited by CORE, and Open-RSC has
> been invited by Network Solutions.
> I, like you, still have many questions.  We have
> less than two weeks to find the answers.
> Jay.
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