
  Me thinks that tho protests to much here, Martin.   And this is usually
a good indicator that there is more truth to Miltons study than you care
to admit...

Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:

> An example of an assertion with a truthful basis that Mueller could have
> written would be:
> "Although the critique of my study challenged my classification of TM
> classes, the critque is wrong for the following reasons . . ."
> Mueller instead wrote:
>         >--there is no challenge to the way the cases were classified.
> >Thus, it has been conceded that of the cases we know about,
> >the proportions are correct.
> The study contains in fact at least four criticisms of the classification
> method. There is no
> "concession."  This is simply a blatant misstatement which Mueller would
> not or could not explain.
> Then Mueller writes:
>         "I mistook your silence for a guilty admission of sin."
> Guilty admission of sin (as opposed to a guilty admission of innocence?)?
> Laying on the "neutral academic" tone pretty thick?  If INTA had paid for a
> critique of your study (which it didn't), how would that have been a sin?
> Finally, in his critique FAQs, Mueller writes:
>         "As "hired guns" for the trademark lobby, the authors were asked to paint
> as bad a picture of the study as possible, even if that involved ignoring
> or distorting facts or making purely rhetorical arguments."
> This is a blatant untruth and I want you to remove it from Syracuse's web
> site.  What was the factual basis for making this statement? Were you
> reading my mail, tapping my phone, bugging Professor Jacoby's offices?  Was
> the factual basis your un-confirmed pre-conceived notions?  How many other
> (erroneous) pre-conceived notions riddle your study?
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