At 23:46 9/01/99 -0800, Kent Crispin wrote:

>Members can elect to become members of constituencies, if they meet 
>the requirements of membership in the constituency, which may 
>involve more money as well as other criteria -- for example, to be 
>in the "registry" constituency you have to be a registry.
>With a completely flat membership model you have a "tyranny of the
>majority" problem, where the majority abuses the rights of a
>minority.  In the US constitution this is dealt with with the "Bill
>of Rights" -- a statement of rights that the majority simply cannot
>abridge.  [At the Monterrey meeting I presented a short paper on a
>"Bill of Rights" model for dealing with the "Tyranny of the majority
>problem".  It wasn't adopted.  I think the reason is the difficulty 
>of getting agreement on what "rights" are involved.

Kent and all,

I have advocated the "Bill of Rights approach"  for years now. I even used
to have it in my sig.
IMHO it is the best interim solution to protect the individual Domain Name
Holder, as long as  fair representation is not attainable.
The "difficulty of getting agreement" is probably trivial compared to the
difficulties in adjudicating the relative powers of your constituencies.
(leaving the big TM interests aside for a moment)
Could you please repost the paper that you presented to the Monterrrey meet
here (in the ifwp and [EMAIL PROTECTED]), so that it can be discussed and
(perhaps) adopted?  A rejection by the Monterrey participants isn't final,
is it? 
Indeed, agreement will depend on what "rights" are involved, but at least
it is a discussion that can lead us away from the vicious circles about
weighting constituencies that we have to face otherwise.


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