On 11-Jan-99 Patrick Greenwell wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
>> MHSC.NET is working on delivering a web-list service. Having seen the
>> problems with the IFWP list, we would rather deliver a quality service late
>> than a problematic service expeditiously. If anyone else is working on
>> this, please let me know.
> I hope it isn't a web-only service. There are a lot of folks that don't
> use browsers for email...

I find myself agreeing with Patrick here.  Managing the sheer number of lists I
am on now with a single email client is enough work, having to use a web
browser to read email from a single list would be enough of a hassle I would be
unlikely to bother.

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Jan-99
Time: 12:35:01

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