Gordon and all,

  Well as you most likely know, the ICANN has yet to come completely
clean on how they were SELECTED as the ICANN "Initial" and Interim
board, and whom SELECTED them and for what reasons.  This seems
on it's face to stand to directly thwart the principals and requirements
of the White Paper itself.  Of course the ICANN's issues and maneuverings
since that time have been questionable in several instances since that time,
and seem to be heading down the road of ultimate failure or lack of
broad acceptance by the Stakeholders/users of the Internet Community.

  It is our hope that the NTIA and the Secretary of Commerce, William
Baily are taking close note to these actions and lack there of on the part
of most specifically Mike Roberts, Joe Simms and Esther Dyson.  Of note
of late is the unfortunate fiasco in which the ICANN, and in specifically
Joe Simms and Mike Roberts have gotten themselves involved in with
DNSO.ORG and the "Participants E-Mail List", a CLOSED list to make
and discuss determinations for a viable Names Supporting Organization
that seems doomed to failure at this juncture at least from the point of
view of gaining any broad Stakeholder consensus...

  Such non-transparent and less than open endeavors form ICANN "Initial"
and Interim Board members as well as their own chief legal council
whom himself seems to have a conflict of interest with ISI and Dr. Shorr
as also representing them as legal council as well.

Gordon Cook wrote:

> Tony harris directed our attention to the Oppenhiemer piece in the Miami Herald
>  >From oppenheimer's article:
> >
> >Reached at his temporary office in northern California, ICANN president
> >Michael Roberts told me he was fully aware of the Latin American
> >complaints. He suggested that the group's board was put together in a hurry
> >-- like most things in the frantic world of the Internet -- and that in
> >accordance to its bylaws, it's bound to be completed with members
> >representing all regions.
> >
> >                 ``I didn't have anything to do with that,'' Roberts said,
> >referring to the first appointments. ``But in my conversations with the
> >directors after they hired me at the end of October, it's clear that there
> >is a genuine desire to have the board represent a diverse variety of
> >geographic interests.''
> >
> I responded:
> COOK:  the hell roberts had nothing to do with it.  (the board appointments)
> Cook again: after some private corresponce just now I went back to my
> December cook report article and extracted the following on record quote
> from Mike when I told him (Mike) privately along with the other members who
> worked with SIMs and Jon postel to put ICANN together.  This response to me
> interestingly enough came on October 14th before Mike was announced as
> ICANN president...."drafted" for the presidency by the board that he helped
> to select.
> Mike Roberts October 14th response: "Gordon - it is no secret that I
> have represented EDUCAUSE and its members over the course of
> the summer in matters related to the white paper. I helped
> organize and fund IFWP and participated in its Steering Committee
> as long as that was useful. I moderated a panel in Geneva, I drafted
> policy positions for EDUCAUSE management, ***I have had dozens and
> dozens of bilateral and multilateral conversations about every
> aspect of the topic, including conversations about the desirable
> characteristics of Board members, interim and permanent, and who
> might fulfill those characteristics best.*** If that makes me guilty as
> charged, then I plead guilty."
> COOK:  I have added the ***           *** to the above passage.
> The matter is fundamental.  After Jock Gill compalined to Vint cerf that
> the ICANN board was a virgin birth from an as yet undeclared god head, Vint
> made some polite disclaimers and reassured Jock that he and others should
> TRUST Mike Roberts, Esther Dyson, and the ICANN Board.  Not to long there
> after Steve Wolff came out and said that *HE* didn't trust the ICANN board
> but that he would if it could find it acceptable to run open meetings
> according to the federal advisory councils requirements.  To date Roberts
> and Dyson have done nothing to respond to these concerns.  saying Jon
> postel picked this board is a cop out.... jon unfortunately is gone and
> there is a lot that has happened since his passing like for example the
> november 21st modification of article four of the ICANN articles of
> incorporation that has never beeen publicly discussed.
> I am inclined to conclude that if Roberts or Dyson or any of the five or
> Cochetti could justify their decisions in a mail list subject to the ORSC
> rules of civil discourse, they ICANN the internet would benefit from their
> doing so.  Imperiously they choose not to... I DRAW MY OWN conclusions from
> that action.
> >
> >>Dear friends of the IFWP process,
> >>
> >>Our claims for regional representation in ICANN may go unanswered, but
> >>they dont go unnoticed.
> >>For anyone interested may I suggest you go to < www.herald.com > bottom of
> >>the front page and open
> >>the Oppenheimer report.
> >>
> >>To read it in Spanish go to < www.elherald.com >
> >>
> >>Regards
> >>
> >>Tony Harris
> >>CABASE - Argentina
> >>
> ***************************************************************************
> The COOK Report on Internet            What Happened to the White Paper?
> 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA  ICANN a Sham. (updated 10/25/98) See
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Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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