At 10:18 AM 1/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>"Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I don't buy it. Dejanews takes all groups and make sthem available
>>over the web. If they aren't maing a group available, just ask them
>>to add it, If the don't respond, let me know and I'l pull in a
>The server at is only carrying these groups:
>I checked DejaNews, and they don't have any of these.
>I did not mean to get in a flame war with you over this.  I was just
>pointing out that not everyone can access these newsgroups.

Who said anythng about flames? You need to see if Berkman want
Dn to pick up those groups and make them widely available - rememeber
anybody can post anything to the group unless it's moderated. For THAT
you'll need a moderator who is willing to work a few hours eevry day 365
days of the year. This is one of the resona poeple have fled to mailnig lists,
they're easier to manage.

Next you simply ask Dn to pick up the groups. I can take a feed too, and can
exchange news with best who already exchange news with.

There's no question we *can* do it, the quesiton is *should* we.

Now, I tried accessing the news server direcly, It doesn't work 
from Netscape ("no permission to talk") but does if I

I fond the following groups:

% trn
Unread news in IFWP.Poised-Archive                         24 articles
Unread news in                      290 articles
Unread news in IFWP.MAC-archive                             6 articles
Unread news in IFWP                                         1 article
Unread news in IFWP.Powers                                  3 articles

So, assuming you did this (it will complain about all
your currently subscribed newsgroups if youso this)
you now have the problem of how do you post to these
groups. If you simply send the article there, it's
not going to go anywhere. Berkman needs to exchange news
with other servers and from my experience in the past of
creating a new top level newsgroup hierarchy, it'll
take 2 years to achieve any decent distribution.

So, it's probably bets to consider these are archives that
canbe read with news sotware.

Nice to see the orsc stuff is archived there though.

"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
says about you" - unknown

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