On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Diane Cabell wrote:

> ICANN by-laws [V(6)] say (a) at least one citizen from each region
> should serve on the Board of Directors and (b) no more than half of the
> At Large Directors can come from one region and (c) no more than half of
> the aggregate Directors (including the SO nominees) shall be citizens of
> one region.
> Who gets to chose their candidates first? Which organization's candidate
> gets deleted if that person's region has already met the quota?
> Conversely, which unit has to make up for a missing region in its slate
> of candidates?  What happens if a Director leaves office early and there
> is no available candidate from an unrepresented region?  Is there a less
> complicated way to ensure the broadest range of interests are
> represented?

Sure.  Use single transferable voting (STV) modified so as to give
candidates increasing the overall representativeness of the board a
higher preference.  http://www.euroispa.org/papers/balanced.diversity.html
is a first cut at giving an ICANN board a "figure of merit", a score
representing the board's representativeness.  

STV is a system which allows multiple seats to be filled from a single
election.  If there are N seats to be filled, each voter assigns 1 to
the most preferred candidate, 2 to the next most preferred, and so on
up to N.  This is easily computerized (fractional STV) and is used 
fairly widely -- in New Zealand, various US states, and some elections
in the UK, as I recall.

It would be possible to devise a version of fractional STV that modified
the selection algorithm to take into account the regional diversity of 
the board and preferred candidates who brought it closer to an "ideal"

Precisely what is ideal would of course be a very controversial question.

Jim Dixon                                                 Managing Director
VBCnet GB Ltd                http://www.vbc.net        tel +44 117 929 1316
Member of Council                               Telecommunications Director
Internet Services Providers Association                       EuroISPA EEIG
http://www.ispa.org.uk                              http://www.euroispa.org
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