On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, William X. Walsh wrote:

> I am currently working on a set of terms of services and service agreements and
> am adding language into it that lets the users know they are subject to
> receiving such emails from us, and basically if they don't like it, don't do
> business with us.  And I'm not talking about advertisements for other services,
> or letting others use our customer lists for marketing.  Just things like
> Monthly Service Updates, etc.  I'm dotting and i's and crossing the t's on this
> one.

Good. It's always nice to have clearly spelled out agreements in this

> The anti spam activists will turn against any cause that they feel was
> promoting their cause via spam, regardless of how tenuous the allegation is,
> and will be very vocal about it.  There is no appeasing them once they get
> going on this, and they feed on each other like a nasty virus.

Oh, please. Just be clear with your customers what they can expect, and I
doubt the majority of those "militant anti-spam activists" will have any
issue with it. 

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