Joop Teernstra a écrit:

> And also note this "open door" phrase on the ICANN website (do I see
> Esther's hand here?):
> Self-organized groups other than the initial groups set forth above may be
> recognized by the
>      ICANN Board as DNSO constituency groups upon a proper showing pursuant
> to criteria to be
>      determined. The ICANN Board should periodically review the status of
> the constituency groups to
>      determine whether all DNSO interests are adequately represented.

It says "may be recognized" and "pursuant to criteria to be
determined", not "will be recognized if they self-form" or anything
like that. I'll lay five-to-one odds that no constituency other than
the seven in the bylaws amendment are recognized in Berlin. Any

BTW, people who divide their peer-group and create competition and
factionalism when there is a clear enemy to be opposed, instead of
working together, are traitors.

But what is most amazing is that you and the people you list as your
supporters would go off and try to create a new constituency without
talking it over with others beforehand. I think that clearly reveals
just where you're coming from, Joop.

> Can we count you in, Arnold?

Go right ahead, Mr. Gehring. Join the boys, get a little publicity,
have fun, and let IBM and AT&T take over the Internet.

> We'll have a proper showing allright.

Sure you will. Everyone will be very pleased with you. Michael
Heltzer or John Englund or perhaps even Don Heath will buy you
dinner and offer you a big cigar. I mean, what the heck, you'll have
your moment of glory, and that's all that counts, right?

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