
  FYI.  It might be worth while to comment here...


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

Hi, I'd like to ask for any final comments on this draft
spec of the technical work of the IANA. This is just
an update of earlier drafts, with all technical comments
incorporated and all non-technical aspects removed.



Purpose - this document specifies the technical work to be 
performed by the IANA on behalf of the IETF, and how the IANA
interacts with the IETF.

Terminology -

 IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (a traditional name, used
        here to refer to the technical team making and publishing
        the assignments of Internet protocol technical parameters).

 IETF - the Internet Engineering Task Force, the unincorporated
        association that creates Internet Standards and related documents.

 IAB -  the Internet Architecture Board, an oversight committee of the IETF.
        The IAB is chartered to designate the IANA on behalf of the IETF.

 IESG - the Internet Engineering Steering Group, a management committee of the IETF.

 IRTF - the Internet Research Task Force, an informal body also overseen by the IAB.

 IRSG - the Internet Research Steering group, a management committee of the IRTF.

 RFC -  "Request For Comments", the archival document series of the IETF, also
        used by the IRTF and by third parties.

Technical work items -

1. The IANA will assign and register Internet protocol parameters only as 
directed by the criteria and procedures for specified in RFCs, including
Proposed, Draft and full Internet Standards and Best Current Practice 
documents, and any other RFC that calls for IANA assignment. If they are 
not so specified, or in case of ambiguity, IANA will continue to assign 
and register Internet protocol parameters that have traditionally been 
registered by IANA, following past and current practice for such assignments, 
unless otherwise directed by the IESG. 

If in doubt or in case of a technical dispute, IANA will seek and follow 
technical guidance exclusively from the IESG. Where appropriate the IESG 
will appoint an expert to advise IANA.

The IETF will develop any missing criteria and procedures over time,
which the IANA will adopt when so informed by the IESG.

2. In the event of technical dispute between the IANA and the IESG, both
will seek guidance from the IAB whose decision shall be final.

3. Two particular assigned spaces present policy issues, in addition
to the technical considerations specified by the IETF: the assignment 
of top level domain names, and the assignment of scarce subscriber
IPv4 address blocks. These policy issues are outside the scope of the 
present specification. 

Note that technical assignments of domain names (such as domain names
for inverse DNS lookup), or assignments of specialised address blocks
(such as multicast or anycast blocks) are not considered to be policy 
issues. The same applies to experimental allocations.

4. The IANA shall make available to the public, on-line and free of charge,
information about each current assignment, including contact details for
the assignee.

5. The IANA shall provide on-line facilities for the public to request
Internet protocol parameter assignments and shall either execute
such assignments, or deny them for non-conformance with applicable
technical requirements, in a timely manner. There shall be no charge
for assignments without the consent of the IAB. Requests shall
only be denied on technical grounds.

For protocols within the IETF scope (i.e., registries created 
by IETF action), appeals against such denials may be made to the IESG and 
subsequently to the IAB as provided in 2 above.

6. The IANA shall have non-voting liaison seats in IETF committees
as determined by the IETF, and may participate in all IETF discussions 
concerning technical requirements for protocol parameter assignment 
through such liaisons. 

7. The IANA shall review all documents in IETF Last Call to identify
any issues of concern to the IANA, and shall raise these issues
with the IESG.

8. All of the above shall also apply as relevant to the IRTF and IRSG,
by analogy to the IETF and IESG.


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