As everyone well knows I consider the constituency mechanism to be total
insanity - a form of first-class Gerrymandering, and a vehicle for abuse.

I've heard that there are other constituencies forming besides those
initially put forth.

These include:

 - The small business constituency.  I've heard from small business people
   that they do not feel themselves properly represented if thrown into a
   boat mainly populated by national-scale businesses.  Typically these
   people do not have registered marks.

 - The educational constituency.  These folks, like the church people,
   below, do no feel that they fit well into any of the existing

 - The church constituency.

 - The non-profit/charitable organization constituency.

 - The constituency for decency in domain names (yes, the censors are
   starting to wake up.)

 - Native American constituency (I would assume that something similar
   would arise for any indigenous peoples who feel that the ccTLD facility
   does not cover them.)

 - The domain name brokers constituency.  Yup, the buyers and sellers want
   their own.

I expect to start to hear more of these.

And these are all as legitimate as the seven constituencies of ICANN
section 3(b) and the seven layers of the ISO/OSI model.


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