True, I forgot about when I was busy registering <g>.
I trust I have made my not-so-subtle (or perhaps too subtle) point
that there are lots of domains left???  Just add creativity and stir
(not shake).

p.s. anyone who wants is welcome to bid on it.  I have
to pay for those 1700 domregs soon.  <g>

"Martin B. Schwimmer" wrote:
> And under NSI's rule about plurals, a registration for FORAMINIFER couldn't
> be used to invoke the dispute policy against
> At 05:51 PM 4/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I'll take 'em all <G>.
> >BTW, I can't believe and weren't
> >already taken.  Make it so, number one.
> >
> >"Martin B. Schwimmer" wrote:
> >>
> >>  From Wired: "DOMAIN NAME LIST IS DWINDLING (TECH. 3:00 am)
> >>
> >> .html
> >>
> >>            A Wired News investigation found that the .com versions of
> >>            nearly all popular words have been taken. Of 25,500 standard
> >>            dictionary words we checked, only 1,760 were free. By
> >>            Declan McCullagh."
> >
> >--
> >Dan Steinberg
> >
> >SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology
> >35, du Ravin
> >Box 532, RR1           phone: (613) 794-5356
> >Chelsea, Quebec                fax:   (819) 827-4398
> >J0X 1N0                        e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

Dan Steinberg

SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology
35, du Ravin
Box 532, RR1            phone: (613) 794-5356
Chelsea, Quebec         fax:   (819) 827-4398
J0X 1N0                 e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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