Ellen and all,

Ellen Rony wrote:

> James Santagata wrote:
> >Careless-typer protection order: In a major blow to Internet bandits who
> >capitalize on typographical errors to lure people to their own World Wide
> >Web sites, a federal judge in Virginia ruled that the domain name
> >"wwwpainewebber.com" be stripped from the owner of a pornographic Web site.
> I think this case was wrongly cast by the journalist as focusing on the
> careless typist rather than the dilution concerns of PaineWebber.
> Nonetheless, the judge also ordered NSI to freeze any future registrations
> of the WWW.PAINEWEBBER.COM name.

  Agreed completely.  "Fat Fingering" my eye!!  Pure nonsense to that...

> Understandably, NSI is concerned about
> this latter order, which might be used as a precedent to require NSI (and
> perhaps other registrars) to police the marks of all trademark owners.  We
> definitely shouldn't go down that road.

  Well as of January 16th, the idea that a DN is just a "String of characters"
died.  Unfortunate, that.

> >From later in the article:
> "They're just strings of letters," said spokeswoman Nancy Huddleston. "We
> get 7,000 registrations every day, and approval is usually granted within
> 24 hours. Over and over again, courts have found that we're not liable for
> trademark issues."

  Well this will not fly anymore.  It looks like the TM lobby finally got some
things done.  (See above comment)

> NSI by its own acts brought itself into the sorry situation of policing
> trademarks by instituting its first domain name dispute policy on July 28,
> 1995.  As someone wrote earlier, the chickens are returning home to roost.
> Links to descriptions, articles and litigation about 50 domain name
> disputes are maintained at www.domainhandbook.com/dd.html
> >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/business/feed/biztop924260285101.htm
> >
> >
> >--
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> Ellen Rony                                                     Co-author
> The Domain Name Handbook                   http://www.domainhandbook.com
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Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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