At 10:13 PM 4/26/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Let me add:  We understand perfectly that this situation is not ideal, but
>it is temproary, and two months is a short time.  There will be enouhg
>glitches getting this test going that we do not expect it to give anyone a
>competitive edge. Those who come after will learn from it without going
>through all the pain.

We don't mind the pain. Really. I appreciate you're
tryong to help and protect is from this pain, but
we're used to pain around here and would like it
to be out call, not yours, whether the risk is
too great.

There are no technical resaons why all the applicants
could not all be given test registrar ststus.

"Those who give up a little freedom for a little security
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one"
               --Thomas Jefferson

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