On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Richard J. Sexton wrote:
> At 10:00 PM 4/26/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I don't want to sound cavalier, but as the Justice Department has often said
> >with regard to Microsoft in particular and competition in general, our job
> >is to foster competition, not to protect competitors.
> But you are protecting the 5 registrars you picked. What
> where the slection criteria anyway ? Will the applications
> be made available for scrutiny ?
This is of particular interest. I have been struggling with the idea that
AOL was offered status as a testbed registrar, when to the best of my
knowledge, AOL doesn't even offer domain name registration for its
customers. (corrections welcome).
Patrick Greenwell Telocity http://www.telocity.com
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