On Thu, 6 May 1999, Esther Dyson wrote:

> Jay -
> The GAC calls its own shots. It advises *us*; we do not advise *it.*  (And
> it *advises* us; it does not control us. We make decisions pursuant to our
> own bylaws, with input ("recommendations") from the GAC, from you, from DNSO
> members, from anyone else...   Please check with the GAC itself on your
> questions below.


Perhaps you didn't grasp what Jay was asking.

At the GAC meeting there will be a report given by Mike Roberts, Interim
CEO of ICANN on:

> >>The legal delegation and practical relationship between ICANN, governments
> >>and ccTLD administrators Changes in policy for registrations under a gTLD
> >>(for example, as occurred in .edu and as undertaken by NSI) Infrastructure
> >>Trust Fund - Update on progress and the litigation process

And Jay asked:

> >What legal delegation?
> >What changes in policy for registrations?
> >What Infrastructure Trust Fund?
> >(Is that the $50 million U.S. collected fund?)
> >What litigation?

Could you please address those questions?

Thank you.

Patrick Greenwell                Telocity           http://www.telocity.com
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