On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 01:17:58PM -0400, Jay Fenello wrote:
> Mr. Conrades appears to contradict this.

Give me a break.  Mr Conrades states explicitly that he was contacted
by John Patrick first.

For those not familiar with the technique:  Mr Sondow and Mr Fenello 
are engaging in what is commonly known as a "smear".

The facts are clear:

- the selection process was a distributed search -- nobody involved 
knew all the players, or what everyone was doing

- the selection process involved a fairly large group of people

- there were also a large number of candidates

- Joe, as primary counsel for IANA, was one of several people
involved in the selection process, and played an important though not
decisive role

In other words, the search was very similar to an executive 
search -- there was an unusual and difficult set of necessary 
qualifications, and finding candidates under such circumstances is 
frequently a difficult and delicate task.  

This is the process that has been presented.  [Some would have 
preferred a large-scale election, but that would have been very 
difficult, at best.]

All the testimony is consistent with this description.

The attempts of Mr Fenello and Mr Sondow to make something more of
this are transparent indications of at least their personal agendas. 
(I say "at least", because Mr Fenello has publically stated that he
is being paid by Network Solutions, Inc., as a "consultant" in
matters of "Internet Governance".)

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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