At 02:03 AM 5/21/99 -0700, Kent Crispin wrote:
>On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 11:57:34PM -0800, Ellen Rony wrote:
>> Kent Crispin wrote:
>> >- the selection process was a distributed search -- nobody involved
>> >knew all the players, or what everyone was doing
>> I cut all the cc's.  You can add 'em back if you want.
>> After a summer of international meetings in 1998, people believed that the
>> selection of the interim NewCo board would be made by a PUBLIC process.
>Some truly naive people may have believed that.  The political 
>realities were that the people would have to be hand-selected, however.

Show ne the mail in what archive that led one to believe this at the
time. After the fact doesnt count.

>> Indeed, names were suggested on this list, 
>Absurd names.

Some weere. Not all.

>> which was and remains the main
>> community dialogue about this self-organizing process.
>Not in my opinion.  In my opinion, no sane person in any position of 
>responsibility would feel safe giving anything whatsoever to this 
>list to decide.  This list is the spiritual home of Jeff Williams.

And you.

>> NSI had some
>> recommendations, too, as did other organizations.  None of those lists were
>> considered.
>Of course they were considered.  They were rejected.

Can you show me where and how they were considered ?

>> So the disturbing part that continues to haunt ICANN like a great grey
>> cloud is that the interim board was delivered to the Internet community in
>> whole cloth.  With only a handful of people participating in their
>> selection, why are you surprised by the public recalcitrance to accept the
>> authority of these 9 unelected and unaccountable board members over any
>> policy-making decisions.
>I *guarantee* you that there would be *far* greater public
>recalcitrance to accept the authority of a board elected by this

How can you guarentee this. What do you know the rest of us don't?

Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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