Roberto Gaetano a écrit:
> Michael Sondow wrote:
> > It's a standard procedure to require proof of identity at all
> > membership meetings, otherwise people who don't belong can disrupt
> > or take over the meeting. All organizations I've ever belonged to do
> > the same. It's quite normal. What's more, in this particular case
> > there are two extra and very good reasons for it: one, the room
> > isn't very large, and two, many people who are not non-commercial
> > domain name holders are threatening to come and try to take over the
> > constituency. Obviously, the non-commercial domain name holders are
> > not going to allow them to do this.
> >
> First of all, this is not a membership meeting.

It most certainly is a membership meeting. Where do you get that it
isn't a membership meeting? It's the first membership meeting of the
constituencies. You think that because you say white is black, that
makes it true? You are God, and can change the meaning of words and
the colors of the rainbow at your will? You are like your friends in
ISOC: your mothers told you that you were the most wonderful little
boys in the world, and you, like fools, believed them.

> Secondly, your "filter" is in no way related to being commercial or
> not-commercial, but only on the fact that you have proof of  > registration of a 
>domain name. According to your rules, Lou 
> Gerstner can drop by in the meeting
> representing his company

This is obvious nonsense. A person is a non-commercial domain name
holder because he holds a non-commercial domain name. Again, you and
your ISOC friends have to try to rename the constituency (they have
tried alternately to call it "the non-profit constituency", the
"NCDNSO", and other things [see their website and listserv]),
because you aren't holders of non-commercial domain names. The usual
tactics of those trying to usurp what doesn't belong to them.

> Anyway, I belong to ETSI, a non-commercial organization, 
> non-for-profit
> under French law, and I have the firm intention to show up at the 
> meeting even if I don't know if my company will decide to join this 
> constituency. I am not bringing any proof of payment of any domain 
> name, neither under gTLD, nor under ccTLD (we have both), nor am I 
> bringing any other paper, including proof of my own identity, and 
> I am looking forward to a good laugh
> ;>).

You are a CORE registrar and have no credible claim to membership in
the NCDNHC. While you are protected by the ICANN board that is
conspiring with you to pervert this process, you can laugh. But
whether you will have the last laugh remains to be seen.

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