Esther, you operate entirely in secret and only go public when the reslts
of the operation is known....   ICANN has done one thing and said another
that there is no reason that anyone who has observed this closely should
trust your word.

At  5:18 PM 5/21/99 -0400, Esther Dyson wrote:
>For the record, Joe was talking about two different things. But why does all
>this matter so much anyway? who phoned whom, etc. etc. 
>The real question is:
>"Did whoever contacted you make you promise to do something in  particular,
>vote for particular interests, or follow directions of any kind?"
>The answer  is no.  
>At 02:24 AM 21/05/99 -0400, Gordon Cook wrote:
>>yes george, as an ex IBM vice president, you are IBM's man and the GIP's
>>man and the trojan horse for IBM's interests in e-commerce on the ICANN
>>board.  congratulations.  Of course Patrick as the overseer of the GIP, of
>>Cochetti, and Nelson would call you.  again...nice work.  tell me. when
>>will e-com be made a top level domain?
>>The COOK Report on Internet               New Special Report: Building
>>431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA     Internet Infrastructure ($395)
>>(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax)    
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Index to 6 years of COOK Report,
>>glossary, executive summaries, special reports found at
>>On Thu, 20 May 1999, George Conrades wrote:
>>> Michael and Jay, You got to give Kent his point on how it happened with me.
>>> And, from every thing I know, it was a "distributed search".
>>> *******************
>>> George H. Conrades
>>> Chairman and CEO
>>> Akamai Technologies
>>> 201 Broadway
>>> Cambridge, MA 02139
>>> work 617-250-3060
>>> fax  617-250-3065
>>> *******************
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Kent Crispin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> > Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 6:05 PM
>>> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Roberto Gaetano
>>> > Cc: 'Michael Sondow'; ICANN; Esther Dyson; Mike Roberts; Paul Twomey;
>>> > Nikki Vajrabukka; WTO Trade Policy Review Board; George Conrades; Greg
>>> > Crew; Frank Fitzsimmons; Hans Kraaijenbrink; Professor Jun Marai;
>>> > Geraldine Capdeboscq; Eugenio Triana; Linda S. Wilson; Joe Sims; Al
>>> > Gore; Chip Pickering; Connie Morella; Thomas Davis; Gil Gutknecht; Eddie
>>> > Bernice Johnson; Jim Barcia; Mark Harrington; Richard Russell; Paul
>>> > Scolese; James Tierney; William Daley; Madeleine Albright; Theresa
>>> > Amato; James Love; Jay Fenello; Ronda Hauben; Karl Auerbach; Beckwith
>>> > Burr; Larry Irving; Gordon Cook; Tony Rutkowski; Tom Lowenhaupt; Nick
>>> > Patience; Jeri Clausing; U.S. Ho. of Reps. Commerce Committee; U.S.
>>> > Secretary of State; Milton Mueller; Ellen Rony; Ronald Wyden; Jonathan
>>> > Zittrain; Larry Lessig; Shari Steele; Troy Davis; Erick Iriarte;
>>> > Eberhard W Lisse; Willie Schatz; Kevin M. Kelly; Hector L. Rodriguez
>>> > Milla; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jeff Graber; Courtney Macavinta; Howard
>>> > Sartori; Kathryn Kleiman; Barbara Dooley; Bret A. Fausett; Francis
>>> > Gurry; WTO Media; Lidia Carlos-Silvetti (ERAD); Committee on Trade and
>>> > Development; Trade and Development Center; WTO Information;
>>> > Subject: Duplicity by Fenello and Sondow
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 01:17:58PM -0400, Jay Fenello wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > Mr. Conrades appears to contradict this.
>>> >
>>> > Give me a break.  Mr Conrades states explicitly that he was contacted
>>> > by John Patrick first.
>>> >
>>> > For those not familiar with the technique:  Mr Sondow and Mr Fenello
>>> > are engaging in what is commonly known as a "smear".
>>> >
>>> > The facts are clear:
>>> >
>>> > - the selection process was a distributed search -- nobody involved
>>> > knew all the players, or what everyone was doing
>>> >
>>> > - the selection process involved a fairly large group of people
>>> >
>>> > - there were also a large number of candidates
>>> >
>>> > - Joe, as primary counsel for IANA, was one of several people
>>> > involved in the selection process, and played an important though not
>>> > decisive role
>>> >
>>> > In other words, the search was very similar to an executive
>>> > search -- there was an unusual and difficult set of necessary
>>> > qualifications, and finding candidates under such circumstances is
>>> > frequently a difficult and delicate task.
>>> >
>>> > This is the process that has been presented.  [Some would have
>>> > preferred a large-scale election, but that would have been very
>>> > difficult, at best.]
>>> >
>>> > All the testimony is consistent with this description.
>>> >
>>> > The attempts of Mr Fenello and Mr Sondow to make something more of
>>> > this are transparent indications of at least their personal agendas.
>>> > (I say "at least", because Mr Fenello has publically stated that he
>>> > is being paid by Network Solutions, Inc., as a "consultant" in
>>> > matters of "Internet Governance".)
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
>>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain
>>> >
>Esther Dyson                    Always make new mistakes!
>chairman, EDventure Holdings
>interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
>1 (212) 924-8800
>1 (212) 924-0240 fax
>104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
>New York, NY 10011 USA
>High-Tech Forum in Europe:  24 to 26 October 1999, Budapest
>PC Forum: March 2000, Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona 
>Book:  "Release 2.0: A design for living in the digital age" 

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