MAC Comments of Tom Lowenhaupt, pt. 2
      11. (REVISED May 6) Any adult individual who is a Member may
      stand for election as an at-large Director. In the event
      that the number of candidates exceeds 30 and thereby
      discourages careful consideration by voters, then ICANN
      shall require all candidates to provide evidence of a
      reasonable amount of support from other Members for their
      candidacy. ICANN shall take efforts, to the extent permitted
      by applicable law, to encourage participation of candidates
      from regions where there may be a shortage of such


In my community, we just had a school board election with 24 candidates
running for 9 seats. And it was quite difficult to give adequate
consideration to each. I think 30 candidates, with all info available
through ICANN's web site, might be manageable.

However, let's say 83 candidates self-nominate for at-large seats. ICANN
then demands 25 emails of support to sustain each candidacy. And suppose
77 of the 83 declared candidates gather the 25 emails and thereby
qualify. What do you do?

You could raise the number of support emails to 100 or 1,000 in a second
round, or you could declare it a 77 candidate election. I support the

The concern for regional representation was discussed in my comment
under Principle 7.

      12. Candidates for ICANN at-large Director shall provide the
      following documents prior to the final date for submitting
         1. proof of identity
         2. proof of citizenship (necessary to determine regional
I'm unsure of the importance of regional representation. I don't see
how you're going to accomplish this. I recall at the January meeting
at the Berkman Center the issue was considered unworkable. And that
was before the Kosovo situation arose where, apparently, all
identification of fleeing residents is being destroyed.
Another exclusionary requirement. This one however, can be done away
         3. proof of membership
         4. proof of adulthood as defined in the nation of the
            candidate's citizenship
         5. agreement to be online and accessible to the membership
            via the Internet with sufficient frequency to fulfill the
            responsibilities of office
         6. agreement to provide adequate personal time to fulfill
            the responsibilities of office
         7. agreement to provide for translations to and from the
            candidate's language into English as necessary to fulfill
            the responsibilities of office (although it is hoped
            ICANN will provide translation of all its materials as
            soon as that becomes economically practicable)
         8. biographical information not exceeding 250 words

This sounds reasonable. Here's a quick 100 on the undersigned:

Thomas Lowenhaupt was born in New York City and has resided there most
of his life. He is married with two teenage children.

He has been involved with government and technology for over 30 years.

He is currently vice chair of a NYC Community Planning Board and
co-chair of its communications committee. On the technology side he's
designed and developed interactive telecommunications systems for two
decades: designed and developed cable TV systems 1978-82; designed
electronic kiosks 1981-84; produced electronic marketing materials
1985-Date; published QWIX Guide To Online Services 1988-91; founder and
director The Communisphere Project 1993-date; consultant.

He holds a B.A. from Queens College in government studies and earned an
advanced degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New
York University's Tisch School of the Arts.

         9. statement of positions on issues not exceeding 250 words

I've interspersed some of my positions in these comments and believe
that 250 words might suffice for a simple listing or a summary. However,
a full disclosure of my beliefs and their basis is not going to fit in
250 words.

I would not put a limit here. If people are interested in what I have to
say they can read on. If they're not they'll stop reading. But no
overall limit. (If for some technical reason a limit is essential, make
it 5,000 words.)

Also, I'd consider precluding links to other web sites so as to limit
campaign expenditures. If the "statement of positions" allows a link to
a million dollar web site, we'll be off raising funds rather than ideas.
(See related comment on Principle 13.)

         10.      statement identifying sources of income, financial
            interests and other possible conflicts of interest
This is a reasonable requirement. However, this type of information
is quite volatile in this era of E*trade and the requirement must be
      13. ICANN shall post the list of candidates and the data in
      items numbered 8 - 10 in Section  on its web site no later
      than 30 days prior to the election. ICANN may elect to
      provide online discussion fora or other formats for purposes
      of the campaign debate.


Principle 13 says that "ICANN may elect to provide online discussion
fora or other formats for purposes of the campaign debate." I suggest
changing "may" to "shall".

In America, the quality of our government has been diminished by the
need to raise huge sums to run election campaigns. In New York State a
viable candidate for U.S. Senator must raise, on average, $5,000 per
day, every day of their six year term, for campaign expenditures -
primarily for media.

I suggest we make an effort to avoid this situation by limiting the size
of the allowable campaigns and providing space for campaign discussions
through ICANN sponsorship.

Additionally, I propose the following "Principle 13b" for consideration.
(Just for consideration, as there's the potential for abuse in providing
this power to an incumbent organization.)

Principle 13b.  ICANN shall undertake a voter enrollment, awareness, and
education campaign to encourage the development of a large and educated
electorate. This campaign shall include banners and other linkages with
Registrars, educational institutions, and others.

      14. Election fraud shall consist of at least the following:
      providing false or inaccurate information concerning the
      candidate's obligations, offering financial or other value
      in exchange for voting in a specified manner, or requiring a
      Member to vote in a particular manner as an obligation of
      employment or office. Any Member who participates in
      election fraud shall be deleted from the membership


I would also support expelling organizations that sponsor such fraud
>from SO memberships.

      15. Voting shall be conducted using Internet-based methods
      to the greatest extent possible consistent with
      authentication requirements and applicable law. ICANN will
      work to design a method of cumulative voting by electronic
      methods that satisfies the requirements of applicable law
      and enhances the likelihood of achieving quorums. If proxies
      are used, they shall be limited to specific proxies which
      authorize and direct an officer of ICANN to vote exactly as
      specified in the proxy document.


Preference seems more desirable than cumulative voting when a large
number of candidates are involved. See for a
discussion this matter.

      16. Article V Section 6 of the ICANN  should be amended so
      that the SOs and the At-large may select their
      representatives without regard to the election results of
      any of the other of them. The following principles are
      a) unless authorized in advance by the Board of Directors,
      no two Directors from the same SO may be from the same
      region, and
      b) the at-large Directors must include at least one from
      each region and may have no more than 4 from the same
      region, and
      c) as a consequence of establishing independent regional
      requirements for each component of ICANN, the cap on the
      aggregate total of all Board Directors from one nation
      should be eliminated.
I'm uncertain of the method for implementing the at-large regional
voting, but find it conceptually agreeable. And I support treating
the SO and at-large seats independently.
      17. All general meetings of the at-large membership shall be
      open to the public and minutes thereof shall be kept and
      promptly posted on the ICANN web site.


This is agreeable, but a commitment should be made to allow tele-access
to the meetings.

      18. Until further notice, all official communications to and
      from ICANN concerning the at-large membership shall be in
      the English language.
Reluctantly, I agree.

End MAC comments of Thomas Lowenhaupt,

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